Something about the editing of wavefom selection(s) that I’m particularly impressed with is the fact that volume adjustments do not result in annoying ‘ clicks’ at the insertion points. The default vertical zoom of 100% can be increased up to a whopping 5000 percent! Thanks to the fast, smooth “zoom” control over a waveform, very precise insertion points and waveform selections can be made. Fortunately, the icon size can be made larger and still looks great. The default toolbar icons are quite small on large, high res monitors. A popup description of what each icon does is also seen while hovering the mouse cursor over the various toolbar elements. Subtle, mouse-over highlighting effects give you a clear indication of where your mouse cursor is. The blue-toned GUI is soothing on the eye-balls and won’t require you to spring for a new pair of Ray-Ban shades. Don’t get me wrong, boys, it has a cool, stream-lined interface that’s easy to navigate and attractive in a minimalist kind of way. Acoustica Prem 5 is about power and speed not fluff n’ cutesy-wutesy pictures. Keep in mind though, If you’re looking for bloated, pretty graphics, you ain’t gonna find them in this bull pen. Ok, now that we have the ‘ geek speak’ outta the way, what can this sinewy, Norwegian powerhouse offer us visually?

Ultra fast non-destructive editing engine.In brief, Acoustica Premium 5’s ‘ ALL STAR’ features may be bulleted as follows: I use it on a 64 bit Windows 7 PC with incredible ease and have never once experienced any application instability. This software is currently only provided in 32 bit Windows format.

The base system requirements are as low as a single core Pentium IV. Since the Acon Digital Acoustica 5 requirements are so conservative, the application is blazingly quick on most nearly ANY Windows PC.

However, this article will be focusing on Acon Digital’s worthy flagship, Acoustica Premium 5. It is comparable to Sony Sound Forge Audio Studio or Wave Lab Elements. It is also worthy of mention that Premium 5’s little $39 brother, Acoustica 5 Standard, is quite robust as well. This muscular audio champion is laden with an abundant, BEST-IN-CLASS feature-set! Acoustica 5 Premium is FAST and POWERFUL.